greetings from Austin mural

Austin's Newest Murals (And Phrases I Never Want To Hear Again)

Austin's Newest Murals (And Phrases I Never Want To Hear Again)

If I hear the phrases, “uncertain times,” “trying times,” or my most dreaded, “unchartared territory,” because FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT’S HOLY, it’s un-effing-CHARTED, I AM GOING TO SET MYSELF ON FIRE.

orry for all the yelling, but sweet fancy Moses, can we come up with new terms?

And is it too much to ask to GET RIGHT the ones we’re over-using??

Tour Austin's Most Popular Murals

Tour Austin's Most Popular Murals

We finally have some gorgeous sunshine here in the Austin area and I’m in love!

If you ever get a chance to visit Texas, plan your trip for March/April or October, when the temps are mild and the breeze is yummy and cool, and you will have absolutely no regrets in your life.